How to Choose the Correct Artwork for your Home Design

How to Choose the Correct Artwork for your Home Design

Your home is a hideaway from the world and somewhere that’s a reflection of your own unique tastes and style. And one way to reveal your innermost desires and fancies is to display wall art – tell the world (or at least your visitors) who you really are!

Of course hanging art on your wall also has the added advantage of hiding a cold, bare wall and providing a bit of interest in a room which may previously have been lacking in character.

When it comes down to it though, wall art suits any room in the home – even the bathroom provided you treat the art properly to prevent steam damage.

Create a particular mood with wall art

Yes, wall art really does have the ability to change your emotions. It can brighten up a dull, texture-less room for instance, or even instil a sense of peacefulness in a cluttered, messy hangout. Metal art (a form of aluminium alloy) can actually add real lightness and physical warmth to a room when the sun reflects on its surface.

Create a focal point

Art on a wall doesn’t only take away from other parts of a room you’d rather hide; it also provides a conversation focal point. That’s because the painting or metal work will draw the eye of whoever enters the room, becoming a natural source of small talk (which works particularly well in an office if you’re meeting colleagues for the first time).

So what type of art works well on walls?

Personally we’re fond of oil paintings, but we’re also partial to metal art which has been making a bit of a re-surgence in recent years (it was extremely popular in the 60s and 70s and is certainly becoming so again thanks to the popularity of 50s/60s-based shows such as Mad Men).

Hanging art work on display means you don’t have to spend so much money on furniture and fittings since the painting itself will often provide enough decorative interest.

Interior designers often match a whole room from one piece of art work. For instance they may use a large painting which is predominantly orange, to provide the accent colours for the rest of the room ie the cushions, vases and candles would also be in shades of orange.

Interior design tips for wall art
  • Ceilings too high in your room? Then reduce their height by hanging a large horizontal painting or piece of wall art (this provides the illusion of the ceiling being lower in height). Alternatively, lengthen the height of a ceiling by hanging a vertical painting.
  • If your wall boasts a pretty big surface then a small painting is going to drown in all that space. As a result large walls should have large paintings – or at least a whole collection of smaller ones.
  • Want to make your room seem longer? Then hang a series of smaller paintings horizontally. To make it seem taller, nail them up vertically.
  • If your room seems a bit on the claustrophobic or small side then it’s a good idea to hang a painting with a distant horizon scene as it’ll make you look further out when catching a glimpse of it.
  • Want to add drama to a light room? Hang a dark coloured painting or artwork.

Ok, so maybe you’ve finally decided on the size, type and purpose of the painting or artwork you want to display. When it comes to finally putting it up though, just how high or low should it go?

We’d normally recommend hanging the painting at eye level (your own) although most interior designers recommend 60 inches as a good height for most individuals.

Having said that, if it’s a piece of art you’d rather get a good look at while seated (eg in a study or dining room) then obviously it’s going to have to go lower down the wall. In this case hang it at what will be your eye level when you’re actually seated.

If there’s going to be a fireplace, sofa or a hall table underneath the painting then it’s a good idea to hang it at least six inches above the object in order to allow the art work to stand out. Make sure too that the painting isn’t so much bigger than the furniture underneath (eg a plant stand) that it dwarfs the object.

If you’d like to view your art work as you climb your staircase then opt for several smaller paintings in increasing height rather than the one large painting. The former has the pleasing effect of merging with the upward flowing movement of the stairs.

Finally, if you’re a bit on the anxious side about getting the precise location for your painting, then practice first. Cut out the shape of the painting on card or paper then tape it to the wall and leave it there for a day or two to see how you feel about it. Do this several times until you’re absolutely sure you have the perfect spot.


by Corey B. for Matthew’s Art Gallery

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