View Full Version : When decorating living room, should I buy curtains first?

02-11-2014, 03:44 PM
When decorating living room, should I buy curtains first? I have a black leather couch.?

I want to buy an area rug and accent chairs. Should I match the chairs to the drapes then rug?

04-01-2014, 04:04 AM
if you already know what's the room will looks like finally, then you can do it. When we decorating, every thing should take into cinsideration and match each other.

05-24-2017, 02:21 AM
Great Post...! I am suggesting some ideas. You may additionally need help.....
One of the things that make decorating a lot amusing (http://www.livingroomguide.com)is the massive quantity of assets that we will go to analyze greater approximately a way to make a stunning room. We can study books and magazines, watch TV shows, examine online articles, and visit redecorating showhouses to locate all kinds of excellent recommendation on activities to get a fantastically decorated room.
So to help fill in a some of these gaps right here is our list of the 20 simplest redecorating errors to make and the high-quality matters now not to do to get around them.

Don't Let Someone Make Choices for You
Don't Paint First
Don't Choose Paint From a Paint Chip
Don't Decide on Colors in a Store
Don't Settle for blah If You Like Bold
Don't Ignore the Focal Point of Your Room

While we warned you towards the use of sheer curtains if privacy is your primary aim, they are excellent for creating breezy, joyful spaces which have great herbal ventilation. Take under consideration how adding window curtains affects the go with the flow of herbal mild in your home and select a material accordingly. Adding heavy drapes that completely block out bland in an already darkish, cluttered domestic may be counter-productive and unappealing.

Thanks for sharing Your Post...!

06-12-2019, 02:40 AM
these information is very useful and very interesting to watch.

01-23-2020, 02:57 AM
You can buy curtains with contrast to your couch. But firstly you should have to check the color combinations. to give any room a best and elegant look ,its better to hire decor services (http://www.msdecors.com/). they provide you the live look of your room.

05-15-2021, 04:57 AM
When you are going to decorate your living room, first of all choose rugs and keep perfect lighting. Then you may think about wall art and accessories. Good luck!!