View Full Version : Confused by bathtub material choices

10-03-2016, 01:10 PM
I'm remodeling my 1960s bathroom and a little confused by the material choices available on today's market.

I plan on doing a complete remodel, so bath style is wide open.

Can you please let me know a few basic bathtub material choices I can look at?

10-03-2016, 01:23 PM
Bathtub materials have come a long way since the 1960s and back again. I'll explain that a little more with my basic bathtub material choices.

First, for an all-around choice I like acrylic and Vikrell baths. These are strong, lightweight composite materials available with built-in textures and high gloss finishes.

Next, for freestanding baths, Lithocast and solid surface materials offer a thick self-supporting feel of smooth stone.

Finally, enameled cast iron not only lasts a long time, it's also been around for a long time and still going strong.

Today's cast-iron tubs feature many vibrant colors. And since they are partly made with recycled materials, no matter what color you choose you can still be green!