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How to Recognize Different Wood Species

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You don't have to be an expert to be able to distinguish different types of wood. However, this skill may be useful, especially if you're looking forward to your new renovation project or need to purchase new furniture. Each type of wood has specific characteristics. After the wood has been processed and coated with a few layers of paint, it's a lot harder to determine what type of wood is in front of you. However, there is a variety of methods that can help you identify the wood.

Keep in mind that identifying a wooden sample is not always easy. However, you don't have to learn how to recognize all species. Learn how to identify the most common types of wood and what are the pros and cons of using each type.

Differences between hardwood and softwood

Hardwood is wood from flowering trees, and you can mostly find it in tropical forests and areas that are characterized by mild temperatures. Oak, maple, mahogany and walnut are one of the most popular hardwood trees. They are strong and durable, which makes them ideal for large pieces of furniture.

Softwood refers to lumber that has been cut from evergreen trees. People use this type of wood to make doors as well as for other building components. Pine, redwood and cedar are the most popular softwood trees.

Heartwood and sapwood

You can learn a lot about the wood by examining it. One of the first things you need to do is study the difference between heartwood and sapwood. That will help you determine whether the sample you want to buy is the best option for you. Heartwood is the older part of the tree and is derived from the middle. It is the older section of a tree, and it's usually darker. If the new layer surrounds it, it will stay in good condition. Heartwood is strong, which makes it your best option for woodwork.

Sapwood, on the other hand, represents the younger section of a tree. It's lighter and softer, and it contains more moisture than heartwood. The outer section allows water to travel and reach other parts of the tree, such as branches and leaves.

Reveal its true nature

Once you learn about how to distinguish the primary species of wood, it's time to move to the next step. It's hard to determine what type of wood you're holding in your hands by looking at it. You will have to sand down the edges to expose the bare wood. Examine the colour, and more importantly, determine whether you're holding a solid piece of wood. Some people use plastic or other materials to imitate the wood. If the colour doesn't look natural, you're probably not holding a solid wood in your hands. However, keep in mind that some types of wood can change colour if the manufacturer leaves them outside for a long time.
Consider the hardness and weight

If you check the hardness of the wood, it can help you determine the type. It can also help you choose what type to use for your next project. If you're building something and you need a strong construction, opt for hardwood timber. However, if you're interested in a smaller project, try to choose lighter and softer types. If possible, take the piece of wood in your hands and try to estimate the weight. Compare it with other samples as well. Once you compare all the components and properties of your samples, it will be easier to recognize different species.

Consider the history

Sometimes using common sense can help you determine the wood species. Notice the details of your furniture and try to determine how old is it. You can eliminate some species by finding the local manufacturer. Furniture from antique stores is usually made from hardwood trees. Contact a local carpenter if you need more help or guidance.

Recognizing different wood species is not easy, but it's often crucial. Try to find more pictures online that will serve you as a guide or install applications on your mobile device that may help you find a difference between various wooden samples. The more time you spend on learning about wood and its characteristics, it will be easier to recognize different species.

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