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Old Wood Flooring: Creating Natural Beauty with Reclaimed Wood Flooring

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Created by popular demand for a mid-range antique product, our select grade creates a beautiful floor with no less than 65% heart content

Many people seem to think that the wood flooring they put into their new homes has to be new. However, those who are wise, consider using old wood flooring in their new homes.

Even though others tend to think that "new" automatically means "better" - don't take that stance when considering wood flooring for your new home. Here’s why - when it comes to wood, usually "old" is better - that's why antique furniture so very popular.

Old wood flooring certainly is better than new wood flooring. This is why you should consider using reclaimed lumber in your home - even if your home is brand-new.

There are many reasons why a homeowner should use vintage wood. In this article we will compare reclaimed flooring to other products, and ultimately we will cover the advantages to using high-quality reclaimed lumber instead.

Antique Wood Flooring vs. New Wood Flooring

The reality is that new lumber is often cut from younger trees. This simple fact means that the lumber itself won’t be of the same quality as old pine flooring, or recycled oak flooring.

Add to that the fact that a vintage wood such as heart pine flooring will have more natural beauty than any new lumber ever could, and you suddenly have another reason to look at beautifying your home with an antique wood floor.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring - The Better Way to Go

When you are building (or remodelling) your home, obviously the choice is yours as to which type of hardwood flooring you will use. With the advantages of reclaimed wood flooring, and the simple fact that it is the eco friendly flooring of choice, it is our admonition that vintage wood is the better way to go.

Your antique hardwood floor will be more beautiful than other products on the market, and it will last you for many years to come!

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Tags: flooring
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