Twenty-eight years in Westwood, Bergen county and 58 years in business have earned Furniture Bank the reputation of providing high quality, low prices, impeccable service and dependability.
A reputation that few businesses find achievable. We accomplish this by cutting our costs wherever possible in order to pass the savings on to you, our customer. At Furniture Bank you won't find an extravagant storefront, address or sales talk! Just plain low prices...

Furniture Bank, a family run business that still supports a 70 hour work week, posts average sales increases of 30% per year. This ranks us exceedingly high in the furniture industry; showing that our approach works. Our customers know to get the best deal to come to Furniture Bank.

23 Bergenline Ave.
NJ 07675-3104
(201) 358-1556
Fax: (201) 358-8335