It is not simple today to orient oneself in a sector where new firms, sprouting from every where, are offering incredible conditions and promise experience and quality, for sure very disputable.
The Bruno Piombini’s answer to the evanescence and the approximations of the market has been to fix clear canons for its realizations: to offer products of high quality, realized with the great taste and the refined elegance that characterize the product “Made in Italy”.
The Italianism of our products is always synonymous of great attention to the production processes , to the quality of the materials, and to the care of the details in the river bed of the purest tradition of the great Italian cabinetmakers, made of great knowledge, long experience and extraordinary technique.
Rigorously made by hand, every product of ours crosses all the phases of realization, from the ideation to the production, on our territory, a tenacious safeguard of a compartment where we try to preserve its extraordinary value and the deep vitality, unfortunately often threatened by an unfair competition without references and rules, but that nevertheless can not be compared with our products in terms of rigor, reliability and credibility.
For us maintain high standard of quality means offer to our customers unique collections , exclusive choices and innovative and versatile solutions, guaranteed by an certificate of strict quality control by equitable prices.
So to trust in the solidity of a firm as ours that, since 1925 is leader in the sector and that made the Italian quality its guarantee mark , it appears more and more a sign of distinction.

Bruno Piombini, leader in the classic furniture market, is in compliance with standard ISO 9001:2000 (Vision 2000) since 2003. The institute in charge for such guarantee regarding wood compartment is ICILA. An important objective for a company that always takes care about the quality as her strong point. Bruno Piombini has been in fact one among the first furniture manufacturer to join to the Consortium “Vero Legno”, an initiative born directly by Federlegno (national association including all major furniture manufacturers) to confirm the importance of the protection of the final consumer.
Eighty-four years of history, a rich and extremely diversified production that always sets the Piombini classical furniture to the attention of press and public for the constant creative research directed to create trend through the break-up of usual schemes (a very difficult matter in this conservative compartment).
Bruno Piombini, challenging himself, levers up on efficiency parameters even more high aiming at a product of extreme quality by competitive costs.

The eight quality principles (client orientation, leadership, worker’s involvement, process approach , systemic approach to the management, continuous improvement, decisions based on facts and relationship of mutual benefit with the suppliers) drive Bruno Piombini in the business management with the purpose to improve continually its efficiency and to increase in the time the customer satisfaction.
The certification leaded by the institute ICILA represents an international award of the company involvement and the positive results obtained day by day, reward the strategic decision of the Direction to use a managerial tool, as the System Management Quality, that allows, with great ability and guarantee, to pursue increasing business objectives.