Feng Shui stands for wind and water, respectively.This Chinese practice has evolved over thousands of years, and people from all over the world use this to bring peace and harmony. When you follow feng shui, you need to place the objects inside the room to bring positive energy.

What needs to avoid in Feng shui bedroom

When it comes to the feng shui desk position in the bedroom, the door acts as a voice. It is believed that the energy flows throughout our house from the door. Most of the time, we notice that doors do not open completely at a 90-degree angle, or more often than not, it gets blocked by something. If your door is blocked, then make sure to remove the objects or declutter the space so you can invite chi, life force energy, inside your bedroom. Those who need to place the desk inside their bedroom should create a visual separation between the bed and the desk. This way, you can create an energetic boundary within the bedroom.

Feng shui desk position ideas

People nowadays spend most of their time in their office while working. But most of us do not have the option of having a home office. For this reason, we place a desk in our bedroom to get our work done. Feng shui desk placement in the bedroom plays an important part in bringing positive energy. When you practice feng shui, you attract energy from the five elements, i.e., wood, fire, water, earth, and metal.

Feng shui bed and desk placement play a vital role when you want to balance the energy. When you place the bed correctly in your room, it is known to provide you with security and better sleep. Also, it is important to place the bed in such a way so that your feet do not directly point to the door.

Feng shui desk position in the bedroom is essential. We sometimes needto transform our bedroom into a home office. When we do that, it is important to place the desk in a power position. The desk inside the bedroom should be placed diagonally opposite the door. This way, you can look throughout the room and think clearly while working. It is important to keep in mind that you should not have your back to the door or to a large window as it is believed to drain strength and keep you distracted.