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Thread: Man Wah / Cheers leather funiture

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Man Wah / Cheers leather funiture

    Two days ago was the delivery of my Man Wah/Cheers sofa, loveseat and rocker recliner. I noticed right away the STRONG smell of chemicals in my home. Later that evening my eyes, nose and lips started to burn. I've developed a cough and feel light headed and sick to my stomach. My new furniture doesn't even really smell like leather? Any ideas what I'm dealing with here? I'm the only one out of a family of four that is having problems I read on Man Wah's website that they follow all the European standards on their furniture and don't use dimethly fumarate DMF bags inside the furniture.

  2. #2
    Loved this couch from Man Wah the minute I plopped down on it. It's extremely comfortable and very stylish. I use it as my every day sit and watch tv couch because its so nice to sit on, but you could also use it as a decoration couch too, the leather is that nice. My friend loves my couch so much, he is buying one also.

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