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Vermont Woods Studios

  1. Modern American Furniture on Sale

    We have three new American made furniture collections at Vermont Woods Studios and we're celebrating finally getting these up and running on our website with a big 15% off sale. These collections:
    Modern American Furniture
    Modern Shaker Furniture and
    Contemporary Craftsman Furniture
    are all handmade in Burlington, Vermont at a small workshop that's been focusing on simplicity ...
  2. Is GoDaddy a DoneDaddy?

    Is GoDaddy a DoneDaddy?

    We used to buy our domain names (like from Yesterday we began switching everything over to and will vigorously boycott Godaddy until their CEO resigns.
    Can you make any sense of a trophy-hunting CEO who goes over to Africa to shoot big game and films himself slaughtering an elephant-- ...
  3. Vermont Handcrafted Furniture: Watch Our New Video and See How It's Made

    Many thanks to filmmaker Luke Stafford of Mondo Media for creating a beautiful, professional video about Vermont Woods Studios Handcrafted Furniture.

    The video features two of our favorite woodworkers: Chad Woodruff of Vernon, Vermont and Greg Goodman of Brattleboro, Vermont.

    Luke visited both of their studios and filmed them in action. Chad was making pieces for his line of mission-craftsman style furniture and Greg was working on a live edge wood slab table made ...
  4. Vermont Furniture Online: A Look Behind the Scenes

    Sometimes our customers at Vermont Woods Studios Online Furniture are understandably a little nervous plunking down thousands of dollars on fine furniture they've not been able to experience in person. We're adding new details and videos to our website all the time but I also wanted to give people an honest and candid sense of who we are and how we run our small business here in rural Vermont. That's how Bare Naked Business came about. It's a behind the scenes look at the fabulous and crazy ...
  5. PlasTeak Outdoor Patio Furniture: Faux Teak That's Better Than the Real Thing

    We've been carrying our new line of polywood recycled plastic outdoor patio furniture for a couple months now. We've got a lot of different colors and styles but the one that's charging ahead faster than all the others is PlasTeak.

    Do you like teak furniture? I love it. I think we've been trained by the furniture industry to see teak as the quintessential luxury outdoor ...
  6. World Wildlife Fund Fired Us Today

    I'm trying not to feel too wounded. We got a call from World Wildlife Fund WWF today. I've been a contributing member and ardent promoter of their work since I graduated from college and got my first full time job in 1980. After 31 years of enthusiastic support, they called me today to tell me that I'm not allowed to mention their name on my Vermont Woods Studios Furniture website anymore.
    See... we recently launched a Save the Tiger campaign to raise awareness of the fact that all ...
    Furniture , Woodworking
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