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  1. Is the cost of a home energy audit worth it?

    Every homeowner can benefit from a home energy audit – whether you're looking to combat an uptick in your utility bills or you're simply curious about improving your home's safety and energy efficiency. And if you're in the market for a new home, it's worth considering an energy audit as part of your pre-purchase inspection as well.


    A home energy audit is an in-depth investigation into the overall energy efficiency of your home's interior and ...
  2. Why To Hire The Best Construction Cleaning Company

    Are you having any form of construction on your premises? You will need to clean up after work is completed. It is a kind and courteous move to people around you. It promotes adherence to guidelines for construction site regulations according to Environmental Protection Authority. Waste from your construction project should not inconvenience anyone lest you are liable to fines. It would be a lot of work to do it yourself. The best idea is to hire professionals to do a thorough job. Here is why to ...
  3. Cleaning and Finishing Hardwood Floors

    The people who have wooden floors in their places must be aware of the fact that with the passage of time the luster of the wood flooring is lost and is decreased down to very low levels. Normally the solution put up by the experts and the home owners who face this problem is to simply sand the floor down till the raw wood is visible and then refinish is completely. However this solution may not work always and it may prove to be a disaster in many ways. Therefore one has to look for some real and ...
  4. Wood on the walls

    Wood is a favorite raw material in many buildings, mainly due to its structural properties and the aesthetics it imparts to the space. Wall-to-wall lining will livelihood in your home and will farewell to the dull and monotonous face of simply painted walls!

    Wooden surfaces have much to offer in your house, from insulating to attractive aesthetics. You have the ability to choose between strange variations, dimensions, shades and techniques. Wood either processed or unpainted, either ...
  5. Energy and Money Saving Tips During the Fall

    It is time to say goodbye to the warm summer and say hello to the cold fall and even colder winter. Every year, the cold drives people nuts and makes them turn up their heaters at home. This, of course, causes their electricity bill to skyrocket.

    Wanting to keep warm during these cold days should not leave you broke. Here are energy and money saving tips for you during the fall season.

    Dress for the cold weather.

    For this season, you must resist the urge of ...
  6. What are the benefits of a furnace inspection?

    Much like a car, a furnace needs tuning to keep it in good working order. And regular maintenance will prevent it from breaking down when you need it most. Poor furnace maintenance is to blame for most of the emergency calls heating, venting and air conditioning (HVAC) experts receive in the winter, they say. So, it's a good idea to have a professional inspect and service your furnace before the cold weather hits.


    A good ...