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Simon Hopes

Hiding Wires in Your Home: Simple Solutions for an Organized Home

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Now that we are heavily dependent on technology, it’s hard not to include this in our lives. With it comes the accumulation of devices, gadgets, tools, and appliances in our homes. This results in wires and cables overtaking and tangling themselves into a huge ball of mess. We wouldn’t want these especially when they’re out in the public. Hence, here are some smart design ideas to hide the wires away:

1. Shop for the Basics

Believe it or not, but some doesn’t know what a cable tie is. If you already have this, chances are that you’re still missing out on something. Hence, survey your whole house and see which appliances need cord straps and covers. If you don’t know where to begin, visit your local hardware and scan the aisles for inspiration; you could even ask a salesperson to suggest tips and ways to organize your cables at home.

2. Be Creative with Boxes

A simple box may seem useless for some, but when you get creative, a box could do great wonders – like keeping all the messy wires in your house hidden! It could be any kind of box but make sure it’s sturdy to last wear and tear. All you have to do is cut a few holes on the box’s body, place it on a chosen area, hide all the wires, and simply beautify the box with whatever sort of design you can think of.

3. Make Wall Art

It’s an unconventional idea, but it works and it’s creative. Hence, make a wall art out of any dangling wire you could see. Start with one piece. Grab a wire nearest to a wall, make a pattern, and just clip it once you’re set on a design.

4. Take Advantage of your Furniture

A furniture takes a lot of space, so this means that it has more of room for messy wires. What’s convenient is that most appliances are found on these furnishings. Thus, it’s easy to attach or hide these cables without a problem.

5. Add Wooden Panels

Another way of hiding these annoying wires is by adding wooden panels on your walls. Wooden panels are very cheap, so you can get them in various sizes and quantities without spending too much. If you’re into woodworking, this project will be fun. You’re not only tidying up your places, but you’re having a blast as well. What’s tricky with this is that you might need assistance with installing the wirings. If you’re not an expert at rewiring, you can always reach out to for assistance. Hiring an electrician will speed up the process, so don’t hesitate to call one.

Although simple, these tips are certainly efficient. These don’t only save you money but time as well. Plus, you can already have a wire-free area in your home without too much hassle. If you’re searching for an inspiration on how to eliminate the mess, these easy and creative solutions will most certainly pay off.

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