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Clogged Kitchen Sink – tips on fixing it

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The plumping system in the kitchen should be perfect and set properly. Along with it, you need to ensure that timely and continuous maintenance is done to keep it in a good state. There is a lot of kitchen sink issues such as the clogged sink, clogged drain, water leakage, incorrect fixtures, low water pressure, leaky faucets and stinking sinks. The reasons for all the issues could be different and professional help is the best to get out the problem. But before you call a local plumber for the issue, try some tips and tricks mentioned below to check if you can unclog the sink and assure the water runs down the drain properly

Garbage Disposal

The first step is to check to see if there is any garbage disposed of in the pipe that has to cause the sink to clog. The food particles and debris may get accumulated and then lodged in the hoses that cause the sink to get clogged.

The garbage disposal and sink are connected, so simply try running your garbage disposal to loosen the clog to help it pass through the drain pipe. Also, try to activate the reset switch that could be located at the bottom of the garbage disposal unit. You may try doing it manually by moving the blades on the underside of the garbage disposal unit.

Use Boiling Water to Loosen Clog

To remove the minor clogs in the kitchen sink, use the boiling water. But avoid this step if you the PVC pipes in your kitchen. Pour the boiling water directly into the clogged drain in a consistent, steady stream to drain the water almost immediately from the sink.
You may have to repeat the process up to three times before moving has the clog removed completely.

Baking Soda Mixture

The next easy way to remove the clogging of the sink is to use the baking soda solution, instead of any other harsh chemical that might damage the pipe or make the clog worse. Prepare the baking soda solution by mixing baking soda and white vinegar in the same quantity. Pour the prepared solution in the drain and place the stopper or sinkhole cover over the drain opening. Wait for 15 minutes and then remove the stopper, pour the hot water down the drain to clear any clogging.

Wet-Dry Vacuum

Next, try with the wet vacuum to break the clog. Set the dry-wet vacuum tot eh wet mode, position eh hose end at the entrance of the sink drain and create a tight seal around it using a damp towel. Switch the vacuum to high to dislodge any clog that exists in the drainpipe.


Plunging is another simple and reliable technique to unclog the kitchen sink. Use the plunger to remove the minor clogs. You may have to do several rounds of plunging until the clog is removed completely.

But the best is to contact the trusted plumber to have the tougher clogs removed. If you’re looking for Wimbledon plumbers to fix your clogged kitchen sink call Solutions Plumbing & Heating. We ensure to provide quick and efficient service, resolve and fix any plumbing issues at your home.

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