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What are Hedge Plants? Reasons to Buy Hedge Plants for Your Nursery

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Hedge plants are a type of shrub that can be used to create a hedge. They're often used in landscaping and gardening because they provide privacy and reduce windblown debris.

Hedges are usually made up of one type of plant, but there are many different kinds of hedges you can choose from depending on your needs and preferences. Some common examples include:

* Boxwood - These evergreen shrubs have small leaves that grow in opposite pairs along the stems. They have dense growth habits that make them ideal for creating dense hedges or screens around gardens or patios.

* Yew - These slow-growing trees have dark green needles with white undersides; they also produce red berries when mature! They're known for being very hardy plants that don't require much maintenance once established (although they do need regular watering).

Benefits of Hedge Plants

Hedge plants are an essential part of any landscape. They serve a variety of purposes, including adding privacy and security to your property, providing color and texture to your landscape, attracting beneficial insects and even helping you save money on utilities. Here are some of the most common benefits hedge plants provide:

* Privacy - Hedges can be used as a natural barrier between properties or as dividers between sections within a larger property (such as separating the front yard from backyard). This can help provide privacy from neighbors or passersby who may be walking by on the sidewalk outside your house.

* Security - Hedges will also provide added protection against intruders who might want to enter onto your property without permission by making it more difficult for them to see through into areas where there might be valuable items like jewelry collections or artwork hanging up on walls inside houses/buildings made out of wood frames made out wood frames made out wood frames made out wood frames made out wood frames made out wood----

Choosing the Right Hedge Plant

Now that you know what to look for in a hedge plant, it's time to make your selection. The first thing you need to do is consider the climate where your nursery will be located. If it's too hot or cold, then some plants won't grow well at all. You also need to think about the soil conditions and sun exposure of the area where you want your nursery--these can affect what types of hedges will thrive there.

Next comes size and shape: Are they large enough? Do they have an attractive shape? Some people prefer tall, narrow hedges while others prefer shorter ones with rounded tops (or "crowns"). If possible, try visiting other nurseries in person so that you can see what kinds of plants are available locally before buying online or through mail order catalogues; this way if something doesn't work out quite right after planting it won't cost too much money just yet!

How to Plant Hedge Plants

1. Choose the right location for your hedge plants
2. Dig a hole that is large enough for the root ball of your plant and deep enough to accommodate its roots
3. Place the plant in its new location and backfill with soil, tamping down gently around it as you go to ensure good contact between roots and soil
Contact us for more information on Laurel Hedging.

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