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Finding a Builder for Your House Extension

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Finding a builder for your house extension is a big decision. You want to make sure that they're reliable, trustworthy and have the right qualifications for the job.

Here are some questions you should ask when interviewing builders:

* What experience do they have in building extensions? How many extensions have they built in the past?
* Where do their previous projects stand now? Are there any problems with them that need attention (e.g., damp or other structural issues)?
* Do they provide references from previous clients who can speak about their workmanship and service levels?

Costs of a House Extension

The cost of a house extension is made up of three main elements:

* Labour costs. These are the most expensive part of any project, and they will vary depending on the complexity of your extension. For example, an extension with lots of structural work or complicated finishes will be more expensive than one with minimal decoration.

* Materials costs. The materials used in your extension will also affect its price tag; for example, if you want to use high-quality materials such as stone or marble for flooring or wall cladding then this will add significantly to the overall cost (but it'll also make your home look amazing).

* Planning and building control fees - these are charged by local authorities when planning permission is granted for an extension; they're usually around £1 per square metre (m2) but may vary depending on where you live in England & Wales - check out our guide here!

Insurance for Your House Extension

When you're planning to extend your home, it's important to be aware of the insurance implications. If you're building a new extension or simply adding on to an existing property, there are several things you need to consider:

* Public liability insurance - This covers any injury or damage caused by your business operations and should include cover for accidental injury by third parties (such as visitors) as well as damage caused by employees while they're working at your premises. It also protects against claims made against you due to negligence in providing goods or services.

* Employer's liability insurance - This provides cover against compensation claims made by employees who have suffered an illness or injury while working for you. You may also wish to consider additional cover for employers' legal fees if they are sued over such matters; however this will depend on the size of company concerned and whether it has sufficient funds available at all times in case such action needs defending against successfully before taking place.

* Contractor's all risks insurance - This type of policy protects builders from losses incurred during construction work such as theft or fire damage but does not include public liability cover

Project management is the key to ensuring your house extension project is completed on time, on budget and to a high standard. A good project manager will ensure that all parties involved in the build are kept up-to-date with progress, ensuring that any issues can be resolved before they become problems.

When you're considering the addition of a new room to your home, it's important to remember that there are many benefits. Not only will this expansion add value to your property and make it more desirable, but it can also help increase the size of your family home. If you're looking for an affordable way to create extra space in your home without moving or buying another property entirely, then house extensions may be just what you need. You can contact for more information.

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