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Ballerina care instructions

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General care instructions

The high quality surfaces of a quality kitchen are very easy to care for. In order to preserve
the value and duration of life of the new kitchen over many years, regular, but above
all proper attention should be paid to these aspects.

Please therefore observe the following care instructions:

• Always only use mild, water-soluble household cleaners expressly intended for
kitchen furniture in their product information.
• Regardless of whether you have purchased a high gloss front or a super-matt
laminate front, please do not under any circumstances use harsh chemical
substances such as scouring cleaning products or solvents. Scouring powder,
steel wool or saucepan pads also destroy the surface to such an extent that
reconditioning is no longer possible.
• Use a soft, lint-free cloth, a leather or a sponge.
Do not use any microfibre cloths or dirt erasers. They frequently contain fine scouring
particles that may result in scratching of the surface.
• Remove soiling as quickly as possible. Fresh stains are considerably more easily
and therefore usually completely removable.
Never use a steam cleaner or running water from a hose!
• Always wipe all surfaces thoroughly dry after cleaning. Excessively wet
surfaces as a result of using too damp cloths or clouds of steam during or after
cooking should be avoided as a matter of principle.
Always keep all surfaces dry! Standing water and other liquids may cause
permanent damage!
The kitchen must stand in room with a temperate atmosphere. This applies both
with regard to temperature and in particular for relative humidity.


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