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All About Composite Fitted Doors You Need To Know

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We all know that the beauty and elegance of a house is reflected by the design and style of the front door, which is also known as the “door of status” is common man’s language. When you invite someone to your place, the first thing that anyone would notice and come in contact with will be the first and the only front door, probable the entrance door of your home. Thus, if you really want to make a good first impression in front of your guests and visitors, consider going for composite fitted doors. These doors not only enhance the entire look of your home, but also provide safety and security to the inmates of the house.

Fitted doors made of composite material such as fiber glass, wood, plastic etc have become a popular choice of architects and interior designers around world. They prefer installing composite doors, rather than standard PVC doors which do not even guarantee safety. The major advantage of installing these doors that they do not require any kind of maintenance and are effectively durable.

In this article, we have aimed to provide you with a brief knowledge and know-hows of composite doors. If you are planning to get your home renovated and looking for varied information on composite doors then you will probably find all the answers to your queries here itself.

Quality Manufacturing Standards

In this section we will inform you about the quality manufacturing standards of a good composite door. You must be aware of all these minute details before making your purchase to ensure that you buy the right product.

● Make sure the sub frame of the door is about 1.7” thick.
● The external or outer frame should be made of uPVc.
● It may or may not contain galvanized steel reinforcements.
● The outer layer of the frame, as well as the door should be made with solid wood. .
● The door should be filled with composite materials like plastic, fiberglass, wood.
● It should have a coating of thermal insulation. This provide durability during extreme weather conditions.

Key Benefits

In this section we will talk about some key benefits of installing composite doors. You must be aware of the advantages you would get if you are planning to spend your hard earned money on something.

● Durability.
● Added insulation.
● No maintenance.
● Easily repairable.
● Easy to install.
● Not affected by changing weather conditions.

Factors to Keep In Mind While Making Your Selection

There are certain factors that you should keep in mind before buying a composite fitted door. These factors are:

● Make sure that the colour and style you have chosen goes well with the interior as well as the exterior of your home.
● Pick a reputable and reliable company manufacturing composite door to ensure good quality product.
● It should be made of good quality solid or hardwood and have a coating of thermal insulation.
● Select a company that provide fitting service as well.


The cost of fitted doors made of composite material may vary on the basis of the brand, size, color and style. To get the right estimation you will have to contact the company itself, call them at your place and communicate your requirements.

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