Color Schemes You Can Live with for Life

Color Schemes You Can Live with for Life
One of the most common dilemmas homeowners face is deciding which colors will work together in their home. Part of the problem, though, is that we make it way more difficult than it needs to be! So, first things first – relax! Your home is all about creating a place where YOU feel comfortable, relaxed, ...

Color Tips

Color Tips
Choosing a color palette can be one of the most intimidating aspects of creating your new interior. Many of us will eagerly wear royal purple or a lush apricot, but are reluctant to put it on our walls or use it in our furniture. But few other design elements can create the impact that color ...

Affordable ways to add color

Affordable ways to add color
It’s no secret that painting is one of the most powerful tools in a designer’s tool box. Simply painting a room is not only a quick and easy refresher, but also an affordable way to add a burst of color. Whether you are looking to add a pick-me-up to a tired space, wanting a change ...

Guidelines for choosing exterior colors

Guidelines for choosing exterior colors
Think back to avocado green kitchen appliances. Did shivers just go down your back or did you get a pang of nostalgia? No doubt, color can evoke a visceral response, whether for interior or exterior decorating, clothes, makeup or cars. It makes a first impression, accentuates attributes and softens flaws, and offers a glimpse into ...