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  1. How to prepare your antique furniture for a long-distance relocation in Kentucky

    Apartment with antique furniture, learn how to prepare your antique furniture for a long-distance relocation in Kentucky.Antique furniture is usually a precious heirloom for most families. It's been around for years in your family, and it carries a lot of memories of troublesome and good times. Most people would not like to lose their antique furniture, and that is why you need to know how to prepare your antique furniture for a long-distance relocation in Kentucky.

    With that said, if you want to learn how to move your precious pieces successfully, look for tips below. Let's ...
  2. What can a pro organizer do for me?

    The pre-spring doldrums can really take a toll on your house. The flurry of activity around the holidays is long in the past, but spring itself is still some weeks away. Put that time to good use: Before you do your spring cleaning, you can set yourself on the path to household order.

    Your best bet is to hire a professional organizer. Pros usually charge between $55 and $100 per hour. If you hire them on a per-project rate, the average fee is $580. Consider looking for pros certified ...
  3. Do I need an AC inspection this spring?

    How long would you drive your car without changing the oil? You should think about heating and air conditioning the same way. Your HVAC system works harder than nearly any other system in your house. It often runs daily, working hard to heat or cool your home in response to the temperature outside. That’s a lot of wear and tear on an expensive system.

    Regular HVAC maintenance keeps your system in tip-top shape, lubricates the gears (literally), and minimizes wear-and-tear damage. HVAC ...
  4. How to incorporate more wooden furniture into your office

    You are relocating your office and have just been thinking how it might be the best time to buy furniture and add new life to it. However, you are faced with a dilemma: do you go with the casual office furniture, or is it time to try something new? Well, we believe that you should try something different. With that said, let's see how you can incorporate more wooden furniture into your office and, with it, freshen up the whole place.

    Why you should incorporate more wooden furniture ...
  5. Top 5 Benefits of Remodeling Your Kitchen

    Remodeling your kitchen is an investment. it requires time, research and money to build the kitchen you've always wanted. But, many families decide to build new kitchen every year. Your home is the most valuable possession, and being at ease with and happy to share with your guests is vital to your overall happiness and health.
    This week, we'll take the time to look at the most significant advantages of kitchen remodeling to help you decide whether this option for your home improvement is ...
  6. Save energy with these 5 tips

    Whether it’s the dead of winter, a broiling summer, or you live in a comfortably moderate climate, your home’s energy efficiency is a big deal. You spend a lot of money to power heating and air conditioning and keep your home climate-controlled, and you don’t want to see that go to waste. While big-ticket installations such as solar power and geothermal heating and cooling systems play a huge role in efficiency, don’t underestimate the power of these everyday acts to dent those energy bills. ...